Hi, my name is Sue and I’ve only seen Dr. Listiak one time. I’m really happy to tell you all about my improvements. I noticed my improvements for the first time when I stretched to get something out of my purse on the passenger’s side of my car. I was able to get to my purse and find what I was looking for inside really easily. Next, I went to the dentist and I was like elated because my hand writing was fluid and it didn’t hurt to hold the pen. My hands were freed up enough to have a whole new handwriting. My handwriting was very fluid and I thought “Wow my hands are really moving well.” After that, I went home and I had lots of energy. I felt the best I had felt in so long. It’s just exciting as all get out and I want to tell the world about it! Later, I noticed that I slept right through the night. Usually I get up at night because my back hurts. Last night, I didn’t wake up once. I slept from eleven to seven, I just knocked out. And then I went to bed for two more hours after that. I’m just thrilled about sleeping well and I even felt good when I woke up. I felt good, I felt like I could breathe easier. I felt more upright; I felt energized and was not achy when I went home. I’m a little sore today but I’m hoping that once I start using the pulsed light therapy I’ll feel better. I feel good and Dr. Listiak is definitely the man for treating neuropathy. Especially neuropathy in hands. Thank you so much.
Oceanside Neuropathy Treatment and Chronic Pain Relief
Leg Pain – Paula – Now I Feel Good – Oceanside CA
My name is Paula and I came here with leg pain and foot pain. I was having a lot of problems. But now, I feel really good. I’ve been here four weeks already and I feel a lot better. I know I can do a lot of things now and I feel good.
(Excellent. What are some of the things you can do better now?)
I know I can do a lot more than I did before. Like walking and doing more exercises.
(Yeah, excellent, how far have you been walking lately?)
A mile.
(Yeah. Uphill too right?)
Yup. Uphill.
(Yeah. Wonderful. Good news.)
Foot Neuropathy – Shawn – Fabulous Improvements – Oceanside CA
Hi, my name is Shawn. I came to Dr. Listiak mainly for my foot neuropathy. They were numb and tingling. After six weeks, I’m almost a hundred percent able to be normal again without any numbness or tingling in my ankles. I also have been sleeping better at night. Instead of getting up every hour, on the hour, I get up about every three hours now. The adjustments have been wonderful, I feel a lot better and I hope to keep going. I’ve also lost fifteen pounds.
Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment – Bob – I Have More Feeling – Oceanside CA
I’m very happy with the results we’ve had over the last six weeks ( in my diabetic neuropathy treatment ). My blood pressure has come down [and] my blood sugar is down to normal. I’ve lost fifteen pounds in the last six weeks due to the diet. I have some more feeling in my legs and hands and I’m very pleased with the progress the Dr. is making through my diabetic neuropathy treatment. My name is Bob Hill.
(Bob that’s fantastic, can you give me an idea of what your blood sugar used to be and what they are now?)
My blood sugars used to be about 180-225, this morning it was down to 110. At night time before I go to bed I take it also and it’s usually about 150 where it used to be up in 190-200.
(Wow that is fantastic)
So between the diet and what the Dr. has done to my spine, I’m tickled.
Low Back Pain – Elaine – I Don’t Have Pain Anymore – Oceanside CA
My name is Elaine Carlson. Today I got out of bed and I didn’t have any low back pain. That’s the first time in a long time. So I was really happy about that.
(Yeah. Awesome. How long is a long time?)
At least six months.
(We’re excited for you. I’d jump up and down but the camera would move.)
Chronic Neck Pain Relief – Deborah – Free Motion – Oceanside CA
Hi, my name is Debora. Before I started seeing Dr. Listiak, when I would drive my car it was really difficult to turn my head from left to right. It’s like it would just get hung up and caught, and it was hard to turn. Now that I’ve been seeing him I have free motion of my neck and have had ( chronic neck pain relief ). I can easily turn to look behind me when I have to back up my car. It’s really been great.
I Feel More Alive
I do my work a little quicker and I feel a little more healthy too. And I sleep good at night and feel rested.
Anthony E.
Less Stiffness & Pain
Increased mobility in neck and shoulder, and lower back pain gone, improved posture.
Deborah S.
“Hooray for Grocery Shopping”
I just hated to do my grocery shopping without my husband. With an 8 month old is gets tiring and I used to get winded so fast. NOT anymore!! After my second session my energy level is through the roof. I am so happy Dr. Jeff found ME!!!
Llana M.
“The Ever-increasing Power-up-a-thon”
I love Dr. Jeff. He’s really amazing. I’m pretty sure I’ve decreased in back pain since I’ve started being adjusted @ Integrity Chiropractic.
Charles T.
Constant Back Pain Gone!
From my very first adjustment, I could feel the difference. I used to have back pain all the time, which worsened when I did chores, or basically anything. That is gone now. I continue to get better and better. I have also noticed that my skin is much nicer too, and my sinuses clearer.
Pain Pain Go Away!
When I first started care here, I was experiencing frequent headaches & neck pain. Immediately after my first adjustment, the headaches decreased & I rarely have neck pain now. In addition my neck feels stronger and my head feels lighter.
Desiree T.