Hi, I’m Michele and I’ve been coming to Dr. Listiak for approximately eight weeks. I used to have extremely numb and painful feet. I didn’t even want to move my toes up because it hurt in my ankles. I also had a very very painful thumb, from arthritis and carpal tunnel. Recently, I’ve noticed that now I can walk on the kitchen floor wearing just my socks. I couldn’t do that before and now it almost feels normal. Also, when I’m in bed at night my feet don’t hurt to the point where I have to get up. My thumb feels better as well and I’m probably not going to have the thumb surgery I was thinking about having. I’m very happy with the results in my neuropathy feet and hands.
(That’s great and what did you notice about sleep recently?)
Oh yes, I haven’t been able to sleep six hours in a row for a couple of years. But I slept six hours last night! Plus, I got up for an hour and then went back to sleep for two hours, which I never do. That was great because one of my big issues is sleep.