Hi, my name is Sue and I’ve only seen Dr. Listiak one time. I’m really happy to tell you all about my improvements. I noticed my improvements for the first time when I stretched to get something out of my purse on the passenger’s side of my car. I was able to get to my purse and find what I was looking for inside really easily. Next, I went to the dentist and I was like elated because my hand writing was fluid and it didn’t hurt to hold the pen. My hands were freed up enough to have a whole new handwriting. My handwriting was very fluid and I thought “Wow my hands are really moving well.” After that, I went home and I had lots of energy. I felt the best I had felt in so long. It’s just exciting as all get out and I want to tell the world about it! Later, I noticed that I slept right through the night. Usually I get up at night because my back hurts. Last night, I didn’t wake up once. I slept from eleven to seven, I just knocked out. And then I went to bed for two more hours after that. I’m just thrilled about sleeping well and I even felt good when I woke up. I felt good, I felt like I could breathe easier. I felt more upright; I felt energized and was not achy when I went home. I’m a little sore today but I’m hoping that once I start using the pulsed light therapy I’ll feel better. I feel good and Dr. Listiak is definitely the man for treating neuropathy. Especially neuropathy in hands. Thank you so much.