Hi, my name is Shelli and I’ve been a patient with Dr. Listiak for almost a month now for my chronic upper back pain and arm pain. He is absolutely amazing and has changed my life completely. When I came for my first appointment with him I was in tears, I couldn’t even talk because I was so depressed. I took at least six pain pills everyday, of prescription high level Percocet. Ten milligrams, six of them a day. Which is quite a lot. I no longer take pain pills, I got off of them. It wasn’t fun to get off of them but I am so happy now. I have no pain, and if I do it’s slight and I know it’s going to get better and better. I’m completely off of the pain pills and I couldn’t live my life without them before. I would wake up and take them, in the afternoon I’d take them, in the night I’d take them. I’m not taking them anymore, and I’m so excited. I feel like my life has just changed 360 degrees since I started seeing Dr. Listiak. He is a God-send, and he is an angel, and he has saved my life. I am one hundred percent grateful for him. He’s amazing and you need to see him. Thank you!